Best in class cloud security

Our Team

The genesis of 1fs Wealth is based and leverages years of market practitioner experience with Portfolio Management and Family Offices together with proven entrepreneurial achievement of the founders.


Bobby Console-Verma photoBobby Console-Verma photo

Bobby Console-Verma

Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder

Bobby has held global leadership roles at investment banks and boutique firms including CSFB and Nomura. He has built and successfully exited a range of businesses both on a trade sale and public basis including most recently Tower Gate Capital where he was Group CEO. Bobby has extensive portfolio management and family office experience. He has a B.Eng. in Aeronautical Engineering.

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Vitaly Nechaev photoVitaly Nechaev photo

Vitaly Nechaev

Chief Information Officer & Co-Founder

Fintech senior executive with over 18 years experience in data and technology predominantly within the financial services industry. Vitaly has managed global teams of 100+ staff and multi-million pound development budgets. He has successfully delivered global projects for start-ups as well as top UK and US financial companies specialising in digital transformation, cloud and microservices. Vitaly holds an MSc and a PhD in Computer Science.

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Core Team

Marcus Howe photoMarcus Howe photo

Marcus Howe

Client SuccessLinkedIn Profile
Louanna Cutler Peck photoLouanna Cutler Peck photo

Louanna Cutler Peck

Project ManagementLinkedIn Profile
Paul Turner photoPaul Turner photo

Paul Turner

Business DevelopmentLinkedIn Profile
Andrey Kozlov photoAndrey Kozlov photo

Andrey Kozlov

Software ArchitectureLinkedIn Profile

Advisory Board

G.S. Jaggi photoG.S. Jaggi photo

G.S. Jaggi

Strategic Advisor

Founder & Managing Partner Singularity Capital

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Dominique Cerutti photoDominique Cerutti photo

Dominique Cerutti

Strategic Advisor

Chairman of Adarma, board member of IDEMIA and Altamir

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Helene Panzarino photoHelene Panzarino photo

Helene Panzarino


FinTech Relationship Professional, Business Advisor, Community Bank supporter, SME/B funding evangelist, Author and Speaker

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Ash Shah photoAsh Shah photo

Ash Shah

Strategic Advisor

Finance Director of The Virgin Group

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Amy Blackwell photoAmy Blackwell photo

Amy Blackwell


Strategic Impact advisor and Next Gen specialist

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Peter Litvin photoPeter Litvin photo

Peter Litvin


Former CFO/COO Citigroup Alternative Investments

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Martina Fuchs photoMartina Fuchs photo

Martina Fuchs


TV Anchor & Business Journalist (Xinhua)

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Chris Argyrople photoChris Argyrople photo

Chris Argyrople


Co-founded the long/short hedge fund Delta Partners

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Liam Cole photoLiam Cole photo

Liam Cole


In-depth experience of working with UHNWIs

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Vahe Vartanian photoVahe Vartanian photo

Vahe Vartanian

Strategic Advisor

Founder and CEO of Global Family Office Community

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Ian Partridge photoIan Partridge photo

Ian Partridge

Strategic Advisor

Founder and CEO of Loedstar S.A.

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Marios Rafail photoMarios Rafail photo

Marios Rafail

Strategic Advisor

Head of Geneva Office at Henley & Partners Switzerland AG

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Craig Lewis photoCraig Lewis photo

Craig Lewis

Strategic Advisor

Managing Director, Wintegrity, Management Consulting

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